
membership – board – rules

= Membership =

Membership fee is 5 euros for basic-level students and 29 euros for everyone else.

You can join by paying the yearly membership fee and sending an email to the board fsfb-board[at] with your hometown information. We will then add you to the society’s mailing list and our member registry, you can refuse us adding you to the mailing list by mentioning this in the signup email. Renew your membership yearly by paying the fee to our bank account.

All society members will receive a monthly email newsletter about ongoing bioinformatics-related topics such as events and job opportunities.

Use the following bank account information:

Bioinformatiikan seura ry
IBAN: FI9780001871150455
Viite/Reference: 2000105

Membership form


Send the form

= Board =

Puheenjohtaja (president): Maria Laaksonen
Varapuheenjohtaja (vice president): Iivari Kleino
Sihteeri (secretary): Jalmari Kettunen
Tiedottaja (spokesperson): Lauri Sipilä
Rahastonhoitaja (treasurer): Merja Oja
Hallitusjäsen (board member): Martti Tolvanen

Muut (other):

Biobeer-vastaava (Biobeer contact) Helsinki: Iivari Kleino
Biobeer-vastaava (Biobeer contact) Tampere:
Biobeer-vastaava (Biobeer contact) Kuopio:
Biobeer-vastaava (Biobeer contact) Turku:

Board email-address: fsfb-board[at]

= Rules =

Only in Finnish, sorry.